Supporting the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants is a critical and timely response to the unprecedented economic challenges Latin American host countries are facing.


Owning a business allows to have financial security and self-sufficiency. When migrants generate their own sustainable livelihoods, they are less likely to be victims of exploitation or labor abuses.


who to date have received financing to create or improve their businesses through Entrepreneurship in Movement.


have been trained in

entrepreneurship courses.

Identifying opportunities for socioeconomic integration

As a first step, Emprender en Movimiento analyzes the local labor market to understand the opportunities to integrate Venezuelan migrants into the economy of their host community.

Boost entrepreneurship

After being trained, participants present their business plans. The most sustainable projects are selected to receive seed capital.

Build business capacity

Through a competitive application process, migrants and locals are selected to receive training courses in entrepreneurship and financial management.

Combat xenophobia

We share life and success stories of Venezuelan migrants to promote empathy among neighbors and show the value that migrants bring to the local economy.